Many of us have made New Year’s resolutions, only to break them within the first few weeks. Not this year, friends! Here are some effective and manageable tips to help you keep your resolutions going strong all year long.
1. Inject some joy into your goals!
All too often we create resolutions that are severe or punishing. But if you want to keep up with healthy habits, it’s important to actually enjoy them! Start by being realistic about what you can actually accomplish given your lifestyle and (this one’s big) your other competing values. Next, make it about joy. Instead of having no desserts this year, this might look like reducing the quantity of desserts and instead having one absolutely incredible dessert every week or month.
When it comes to exercise, the best workout is the one you’ll actually do, so come up with options that ignite your sense of fun and grab a friend while you’re at it!
2. Be specific
If your goal this year is to do more yoga, okay—what does “more” mean? It's much easier to hold yourself accountable to goals with a plan attached, like going to yoga twice a week, eating a salad every weekday, or buying protein snacks like Kibo chips every time you do your grocery shopping. If you know you want to “drink one green juice every Saturday,” you’ll easily be able to work that into your routine.

3. Use visual clues
It can be helpful to give yourself a visual or tactile cue to help you keep track—like a printed card that you hole punch to help make the goal feel “real.” You may want to use an app or take photos to track diet and exercise progress. If you’re trying to knock a sweet tooth, keep a post-it note in your kitchen to remind you. If you want to go on a daily jog, keep your pre-workout mix or running shoes by your alarm. Visual indicators will go a long way toward keeping you motivated throughout the year!
4. Take notes
When we’re hit with an uncomfortable feeling, like a food craving, we often try to ignore it or push it down. Instead, try to get curious about what you’re feeling, and notice its different surges—and ultimately, when it passes. For instance, if you’re on a run and you overcame the urge to give up, notice what kept you going in that moment and how you felt after. If you’re feeling tempted by something, sometimes acknowledging the feeling to yourself or a friend is all it takes. The temptation will pass, but you’ll be stronger for it.

5. It's all about swaps
When you decide to abstain from something in your diet—like gluten, meat, alcohol, or junk food, for instance—it’s so much easier to have healthy and delicious alternatives in place so you don’t feel like you’re depriving yourself. Stocking up on simple swaps, like Kibo Veggie Crunch instead of the usual veggie straws or potato chips, is a realistic way you can keep up with your health and protein goals.
6. Start with a good night's sleep
Have you ever noticed that when you’re tired, your junk food cravings get worse and your healthy habits slip? If your sleep improves, you’ll notice many other lifestyle aspects improving as well, so try to keep to a consistent bedtime and use good sleep hygiene habits, like sleeping in a cool, dark room and not looking at screens before bed.
By setting realistic, specific habits and giving yourself fun swaps like eating more plant-based, protein-packed snacks, not only will you look better, you’ll also feel better too. That surge of confidence that comes from consistently achieving your New Year’s goals will help you set a healthy foundation not just this year, but in years to come! That’s the power of sowing better choices with Kibo! Please share your New Year’s resolutions with us on social—we’re here to support our community. You got this!